Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letters to you..

from the beginning of courtship, the first indeed there is no sense. but over time it's appears. he really cares with me. oh damn ya i really love him :)
but over time, i feel he's changed unlike the initial courtship. he began to cool and begin to not appreciate my feelings.
I wondering...
what's he thinking of me like i thinking of him?
I always write about him in my little note. is he do that too?
sometimes, i write his name on my hand. is he ever do that too?
I always write some words for him. is he ever do that?
I really love him, not just a word but my heart really mean it. is he like that too?
i ever cried for him. is he ever do that too?
what he was there faithfully?

i just want to appreciate my feelings. that's it! i think it's not too much..
i want he knows what i feel and realized what his mistakes.

Men Can Cry

aku kira cowok kalau disakitin gak bakal bisa nangis, ternyata bisa..
ya kalau cowok bisa nutupin kesakitannya itu..
he forgot all his pain with various things, like listening to music, playing skateboard, playing game online, etc.
they did have a sincere heart too. emang kalau kita liat dari luar, cowok itu tegar but who knows ternyata hati mereka melow juga.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pria idaman *.*

I'm not looking for a guy who outwardly handsome
I'm not looking for a tough guy from the physical ..

ya selama aku merasa nyaman sama tu cowok, why not? percuma kan ganteng tapi kitanya gak merasa nyaman..
you know, physical is not important as long as you're happy and comfortable in his side. am i right?

bener kata orang..
"jangan suka orang dari fisiknya, tapi dari hatinya!"
kalo suka fisik ya percuma ngejalaninnya tapi gak ada rasa. ya kan?

* emang sih muna banget kalo kita gamau pria ganteng. ya kalau emang dapatnya yg biasa tapi menyenangkan. gak ada salahnya kan?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Mind Think...

orang bisa berubah ya kalo ada kemauan, gak ada salahnya kan berubah demi kebaikan.
percuma aja minta maaf kalo masih ngelakuin kesalahan itu lagi, percuma juga janji kalo emang gak niat.
intropeksi diri sendiri, belajar dari kesalahan..
kalo udah dipercaya, jangan disia-siain kepercayaan itu..
kalo udah dipercaya sama orang, jangan disia-siain kepercayaan itu..
ngomong doang gampang, ngelakuinnya itu yg susah..

20 songs who never get bored

1. Escape The Fate - Something
2. Red  Jumpsuit Apparatus - Guardian Angel
3. The Script - Breakeven
4. Hoobastank - The Reason
5. Story Of The Year - Until The Day I Die
6. Surrender The Dance Floor - Just Dance

Long Distance Quotes

 "Distance says you're so far from me, but my heart says you're so close to me." -miloyana

"I really want to touch you, but i can't . Cause you're to far from me." -miloyana 

" Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart." -Unknown

"I just want to hug you, but your are 480 some miles away, what I wouldn't do for a hug." -Source Unknown

" If distance were measured in terms of the heart we'd never be more than a minute apart." -Unknown

"I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere!" -Source Unknown

"Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you." -Source Unknown

"I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go." -Source Unknown


 i hate people who have 2 faces....
*i mean in front of me they're so nice but behind me *wooooooow*
maksudnya mereka kalo dibelakangku sering ngina & ngegunjing aku gitu. come on! kalo emang gak suka ya langsung aja ngomong di depanku gausah sok baik gitu. muna kan?

*if you see me you will see a big smile but if you see into my heart you will see tears.
ya itu juga munafik and that's so me! you know di depan org aku selalu happy & kayaknya gak ada beban padahal in my heart always sad & sering banget ada masalah. pengen sih sharing sama org tapi aku tipikal org yg susah percaya sama org lain. aku lebih suka mendam & sharing with God. you know it make me feels

Broken Heart

I love his smile..
I love his laugh..
I love his eyes..
Damn! im so in love with you boy!
but unfortunately he doesnt love me, i think so huff poor me :(
why a man who i love and i want always doesn't love me , but a man who loves me, i don't love and want him. im so confused!

Dear God, I love him and I want him. I hope he knows what i feel..

Grow Up!

 ada yg bilang aku kayak anak smp, ada juga yg bilang kayak sma, gak keliatan anak kuliahan. it's ok! i think itu suatu pujian buat aku. berarti muka muda dong aku? haha :D
* ada org yg padahal umurnya masih muda banget tapi berpenampilan "wah" kayak org dewasa. well, mgkn supaya dibilang dewasa kali ya..
Black Moustache